Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Instead of "Going Rogue" perhaps you might consider going away....

Dear Sarah Palin: If you had just gone away like all good losers, you my friend could have avoided my blank stare.  But no SP, you and your ever evolving knowledge of geography, international events and D.C. politics had to go and chomp on jerky while relating your tales of political prowess and parental success to the person who actually wrote "your book."  And although I try to avoid Fox News unless I am hunting for material for this blog, you seem to have wondered your way into the main stream media and even down the street into Grand Rapids, Michigan so now I am forced to deal with you.  So Ms. Wasilla for the following reasons:

You thought dragging the 17 year old self proclaimed "red-neck" baby daddy of your daughters child into the public eye was a good or even tolerable idea (and if you believed these two were going to live happily ever after or even for the next 5 years in peace, my point is only bolstered) and now that it has proved to be a mistake on par with using gasoline to put out a fire, you allow yourself to become embroiled in a ugly public exchange with the shy (hey he didn't give the full frontal to Playgirl) man child.

That Russia comment, that paling around with terrorists business, and anything else that made its way onto Saturday Night Live...

The fact that absolutely EVERYONE who is not related to you and is involved in any incident that you later "recount" calls you a liar (enter John McCain's entire campaign staff).

"Going Rogue" should not be confused with pissing half of your political party off; especially given the fact that ultra-conservative republicans have always been anti-abortion, tax, gay, etc. and pro-war, deregulation, guns, the rich, etc.  The book should not be called "Going Rogue" it should be called "Going Right" or rather "Going Far Right."

Because you validate the school of thought that "attractive" women have little substance (albeit great power to corrupt and destroy).

For all of these reasons, SP, you get my BLANK STARE OF 2009 AWARD.


  1. Well, since I can no longer be anonymous, LeeLo
    I say daaaang. I'm finally catching up and I get to this and I feel like I just watched a cage fight on Spike. TELL IT!
