Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dancing in the street (on your way home)...

Background: For all you non-Detroiters, Martha Reeves of the Vendellas (famous in the mid-sixties for the song "Dancing in the Street" as well as other Motown hits) was elected to Detroit City Council in 2005 (*first blank stare*) for reasons which remain unknown even now (but hey this is the city that elected Kwame "text mania and may have had a stripper murdered" Kilpatrick there is that).

Foreground: Detroiters seem to have come to their senses after being bashed over the head by greedy politicians who were so crooked it could easily be said that they were just plain triflin.  Thus in 2009, Ms. Reeves lost her seat on the Council.

The Kicker: MR is having a going away party this weekend to "help her go away" (her words not mine, I promise).  I'm confused because I thought the voters already helped her go away back in November...when they did not vote for her...(*second blank stare*).

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