Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tickle Me Massa

In case you do not keep up with political news let me just give you some background information: Eric Massa was one of the Democratic Representatives from New York.  He recently resigned from the House citing "health reasons."  He later recanted his initial resignation explanation stating that he was actually forced out of the House by other democratic House members who knew he would not vote for the new health care reform bill.  House members and White House staffers fired back that in actuality Massa should be banished to the short bus forever because he has some serious mental deficiencies.  Well, perhaps I am exaggerating somewhat for entertainment purposes but Democrats actually did say that Massa has a problem keeping his hands to himself.  Apparently, Massa was involved in several "inappropriate" incidents with his own staffers involving his wondering hands. 

NOW FOR THE GOOD PART: Massa admits that he may have been involved in some incidents which could have been viewed as inappropriate when taken out of context.  However, he claims there was nothing sexual about any touching he has done.  When asked about groping a particular staffer last night on the Glenn Beck (don't even get me started on him) Show he stated “Yeah, I did... Not only did I grope him, I tickled him until he couldn’t breathe. And they all jumped on top of me. You can take anything out of context.”  *Blank Stare*

(Would you expect this person to run up on you and start tickling you?)

I just have a few questions for Mr. Massa: What exactly is being taken out of context? Why in the name of all that is reasonable and sane are you groping and tickling staffers during public events? Are you taking your meds? Seriously, be honest... Is this what's going on in our federal government?  Is this why they can't get any work done? They are too busy tickling one another...

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! And so so very sad. Maybe he can get a job with Sprint--Sprint should be your next topic!
