Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm going to need some assistance with this one....

I'm posting a link to a youtube video that has been all over the news and frankly I don't know who to give a blank stare to or if a blank stare is even appropriate here.  Watch the video now and then read on.

I think maybe the parents need to be slapped, the competition sponsors need to be stopped, the audience needs to be checked for pedophiles and all of America needs to be dipped in holy water for this ish.  OR, the kids are super-talented and the performance is just somewhat misguided....  Everyone is always telling me what I should make into blank stare moments so here is your chance.  You tell me, blank stare or not and if so, who is getting it?

UPDATE:  The link below is a video of the parents "response" to the wide spread criticsim of their daughters performance.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have found our blank stare recipients.


  1. Yeah, they are the short bus ones--the little girls "don't even know what they are doing"--certainly implies that "something" is being done.

  2. Yes, that was from the parents comments. My response is that it is your job to tell your kids what they are doing and when not to do it. I think that is called parenting, right???
