Saturday, December 12, 2009

TMI (Too Much Inappropriateness)

Facebook status post: "Let it be known that I don't care what you think about me because your opinion will not make or break me. You should also know that what you are saying is not a secret because everyone knows and if you really feel that way, you can kiss my tale. And anyone who has anything to say about this, you can get it too!!!"

Facebook status post: "Ooooh, my man know how to stroke it just right, yeeeeah, LOL ;o)"

Faecebook status post: "I have gas"

To all of the passive aggressive people who use facebook to say things that you can't or wont say in real life, inappropriately boast about your sex lives (which probably aint what they are "posted" to be) and describe every mundane disgusting detail of your day, *Blank Stare*

If you have something to say to someone, either say it to that person or DO NOT SAY IT AT ALL! I really am not an advocate of the "say it to my face" school of thought as I am a firm believer that some stuff should never be said (to the persons face or back). However, if you find something burning a hole in your consciousness to the point that you feel compelled to say it to someone, please don't let it be to a mass of anonymous internet "friends"  (especially not if you are over the age of 18 and you are really aiming at a particular person).

For the rest of you internet posting *Blank Stare* recipients everyone gets an annual free pass to say something ridiculous or inappropriate. However, if your man is "strokin it right" EVERY night we don't need a daily update (but congratulations that is wonderful, perhaps the two of you should start a blog...). Also, if you suffer from daily episodes of flatulence (look it up if you need to), strange rashes or other things that are contagious or itch, you should consider posting your issues on WebMD (where you can get some medical advice) instead of Facebook!

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