Monday, December 7, 2009

Introducing my less famous *evil squint*

The Monday list of people getting a *blank stare* with a side of my less famous *evil squint*

You think unemployment is as good as a job (and don't seem to realize that while this is the only option for many people, if you have other options, like working, you should look into those).

You let your pet pitbull, rottweiler or (insert name of other animal known to be vicious and attack humans and small animals) roam around without a leash.

You think being a homosexual is a sin but you don't see anything wrong with being mean, unforgiving, spiteful, envious, etc.

You refuse(d) to exercise an amount of discipline over your child (because you don't believe in saying the word "no" and honestly think your kid is exceptionally well behaved) requisite to their awful behavior and yet you are distressed and pitiful over the fact that your kid has one foot inside of juvenille detention and the other inside of a future filled with mediocrity at ALL times.

You are always on the lookout for a good lawsuit as a way to generate income (if only you were this dedicated to coming up with a good idea...).

Congratulations to all of you as you are all well deserving of my famous *blank stare* and my slightly less famous *evil squint*.