Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Blank Stare Moments

Sooo, Autozone has doorbuster sales on the day after Thanksgiving.... *blank stare* to anyone losing sleep to participate in this event. Why can't the coolant wait until Saturday?

Not the man on the corner of Woodward and Grand River selling turkeys out of a grocery cart (although I don't think he could beat Walmart's price) but *blank stare* to the people buying them... (It's Detroit and everyone needs a hustle so I can't knock turkeyman).

*Blank stare* to everyone jumping up at 3am to wait in line at stores on Friday not because they want to risk being trampled, shoved and seriously injured but because they don't realize the same sales are available online...

This just in...the Partner at my firm is leaving because he has to go get a Turkey...from a farm and it is going to take extra time for him to wait for them to kill it..... *blank stare* (Oh yes, I did refer him to the man on the corner with the grocery cart).


  1. Well ya see Kelly. If you are at a store at 3am on Black friday, you probably are trashy enough u dont have internet LOL Check my shit girl www.bobbygspot.org

  2. No they're not! Best Buy gives away like 50 TV's at a special price but they also give out numbers to avoid trampling situations.

  3. Wow...trashy?!! IDK ...undoubtedly misinformed YES! Funny. Not 'haha' funny but funny. Not the sight just people in general. The things some people say. IDGI

  4. Have you been to a Black friday sale at 3am? Its a white trash bash and everyone is invited!!!!!

  5. My aunt and mother live to bust down doors the day after thanksgiving simply because they were born to shop (and more power to them in spite of my blank stare). Me, not so much...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I don't understand standing in the elements for the sale either. I can see if it's Florida, but when it's snowing? Hell to the no. That's why people of color aren't out there like that...

    I bet the line looks different in the south. LOL.
