Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ugly is as ugly does...

Did you know that there was a dating and networking website for "beautiful people." To become a member of the website your photograph has to be voted on by other members of the site.  If you are "beautiful" enough, you may gain membership.  I was driving home from work yesterday minding my own business when I heard a news broadcast stating that 5000 members of the site were removed following the holidays because they gained weight over the holidays.  *Blank Stare*  I'm almost speechless (almost)...but alas I have thought of a few questions that I just really need answers to.  First, who is verifying the photos on the largely anonymous internet?  Does the verification person become suspicious when several people bear striking resemblances to Beyonce or Brad Pitt or (insert the name of other person who people think of as really attractive)?  How much weight did these people gain over the holidays and are they updating their pictures on a daily basis (*in a whisper* I mean why didn't they just go work out and then update their profile pic)?  Who wants to date someone who is shallow enough to become a member of such an asinine site or insecure enough to expose their physical attributes to public voting ?  Finally (this is the big one), why if you are so friggin beautiful do you need to find a date on the internet (not that people who internet date are unattractive but really this is a new level of ridiculousness)? *Blank Stare*


  1. The site apparently works by the community voting for new subscribers as hot enough for inclusion. This same community snitched on the newly-portly and if you got enough "no longer worthy" votes, the site put these folks back down to the evaluation stage of having to be voted hot enough for the site - as they did when they first signed up. Pretty ingenious!

    Hey, pretty people want to weed out the uglies without much effort- and the Internet is more effective than just walking down the street!

  2. New "Anonymous", are you a member or have you gotten "expelled"? Ingenious...not really. More like shallow...and ugly in all the wrong places.

    A Very Beautiful Person
